Our fundamental human resources policy can be summarized as the creation of highly committed, value-creating, motivated, and innovative employees and teams within the framework of the company's values and culture. Additionally, our company continues to operate in compliance with ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, and ISO 27001 Information Security Management System standards, in addition to IATF 16949 and ISO 9001 Quality Management Standards.
Our company;
Based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and relevant laws, and taking into account the United Nations Global Compact, we implement a zero tolerance policy towards forced or compulsory labor, slavery, and human trafficking, including in the supply chain. We protect the rights of employees and, including our employees, take necessary actions and measures to protect the rights and freedoms of all our stakeholders, to raise awareness about fair and ethical behavior. We comply with the prohibition of child labor beyond the limits prescribed by legislation and ensure the application of this issue throughout the value chain. We pay attention to the balance between work and private life in the practices related to the work plan.
Training programs aimed at the development of employees' knowledge, skills, and behaviors are conducted, and development plans are formulated. Information sessions and surveys are conducted to gather employee opinions on matters such as the company's financial status, compensation and benefits, career opportunities, training, and company practices, with prior notification given. Decisions or developments concerning employees are communicated to them or their representatives, and relevant unions are consulted in such matters.
We adopt the principle of providing equal opportunities to individuals under equal conditions when recruiting and planning careers. Gender-based lower pay for the same or equivalent work is not permissible.
Salaries (overtime, fringe benefits, etc.) are paid in compliance with laws and collective labor agreements. Leave rights are respected, and their lawful utilization is ensured. Working hours and rest periods comply with labor laws and collective labor agreements.
Job descriptions and distribution, as well as performance and reward criteria for employees, are communicated. When determining the compensation and other rights given to employees, their contributions and impact on the company's goals are considered.
No discrimination based on race, belief, language, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, political opinion, or disability is tolerated, and measures are taken to protect employees from physical, mental, and emotional mistreatment within the company. Special conditions of minority groups (women; ethnic, religious, and linguistic minorities; children; disabled individuals; immigrants) are considered. Diversity approach is observed in recruitments. The freedom to form associations, unionization, and effective recognition of collective bargaining rights are supported. All necessary measures stipulated by laws are taken to ensure the health and safety of employees and any other individuals present in the workplace due to any reason. Security services are provided respecting the dignity, privacy, and reputation of each individual. Necessary measures are taken in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law to protect employees' personal information.
The social and environmental impacts in the relevant region are taken into account in investment decisions. Preservation of forests and water resources is considered, and investments causing forced displacement of inhabitants are avoided.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
As Ege Fren, we view diversity not just as a goal but as a fundamental element that strengthens our corporate culture and values. We value the individual differences of our employees, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders, utilizing this richness as a creative advantage in our organizational processes. We are committed to creating and sustaining a corporate climate where every individual can freely express their ideas and realize their potential.
We define all human relations within the framework of rights, fairness, and ethical principles, with respect for individuals as our foundation. While ensuring the preservation of employees' freedoms and dignity, we prioritize values such as integrity and kindness in all our processes. We take all necessary measures to prevent discrimination and unconscious bias in areas such as recruitment, promotion, and professional development. We tolerate no discrimination based on factors like gender, age, ethnicity, marital status, belief, or disability.
We aim to establish partnerships with suppliers and business associates that promote diversity and prioritize inclusivity. We actively support employment for disadvantaged groups and play a role in fostering balance in the workplace.
At Ege Fren, we see diversity as a resource that enhances organizational wealth and encourages innovative thinking. Our goal is to share this perspective with all our stakeholders and embed it permanently into our corporate structure.
Within this framework, as Ege Fren, we:
• Commit to creating an environment where every individual is valued equally and can fully realize their potential, regardless of race, colour, gender, age, nationality, religion, gender identity or expression, marital status, citizenship, disability, or other legally protected factors.
• Adopt the principle of offering fair and equal opportunities to all employees, candidates, business partners, and stakeholders throughout our business processes and value chain, while acting in accordance with human rights to create a positive social impact.
• Ensure that our employees are part of a culture grounded in equality, diversity, and inclusion principles, where fair and equal opportunities are provided, human rights are respected, and a sense of trust prevails. We treat everyone with whom we establish a professional relationship with respect for human dignity and rights.
At Ege Fren, we support diversity and inclusivity as a core business priority:
• We foster a work environment where employees feel secure and can express their authentic identities freely.
• We aim to make the unique qualities of our customers and business partners visible by offering inclusive service principles.
• We add value to our customers, business partners, shareholders, and other stakeholders by encouraging diversity in decision-making processes through a variety of perspectives, ideas, and viewpoints.
• Through our leaders, we promote equality, diversity, and inclusion policies, ensuring that these values are embraced across the organization.
• By supporting role models who represent diversity in leadership, business functions, and positions, we contribute to challenging the "glass ceiling" perception in society.
In case of non-compliance with these policies or our published Code of Ethics, employees and stakeholders are encouraged to report incidents through the ethics hotline (etik@bayraktar.com ). All Ege Fren employees are obliged to comply with these policies, and we expect our suppliers and business partners to act in alignment with these principles and take necessary steps to ensure compliance.
Our Expectations From Our Employees;
Acting effectively and efficiently in accordance with job descriptions
Giving priority to continuous development within the framework of company strategies
Being kind and respectful during working hours and to take care of the company's reputation in private life
Compliance with company procedures, instructions and regulations
Our Core Competencies
We are resilient in the face of difficulties.
We believe that there is a way to succeed in a job, we see failure as a temporary situation and try different methods to develop solutions to problems.
We are good team players who believe in cooperation.
We create synergy, provide high motivation and commitment by working in cooperation to help achieve corporate goals.
We communicate effectively.
By listening carefully and without prejudice, we are successful in resolving disagreements and persuading the parties by expressing ourselves effectively.
We provide trust.
As individuals, we interact with others in a way that builds trust in him and his company.
We know our responsibilities.
We fulfill our duties in a timely and desired manner and take responsibility for the results.
We are agile and always ready for change.
In the face of rapidly changing conditions or a problem, we develop appropriate solutions and act with agility to take action.
Our Values
Customer First
Teamwork & Respect
Pursuit of Excellence
Ethic Codes
Respect for human rights is our fundamental value. No one should be discriminated because of their race, ethnic origin, color, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, sect or political views.
Employees of our company should attention to the personal rights of their colleagues and the protection of the privacy of their private lives. They should not take part in humiliating and unclear rumors about others. They should avoid making unclear rumors. Our employees in managerial and supervisory positions should avoid oppression, insults and threatening behavior.
Employees of our company should act in accordance with the rules of courtesy and respect in the relations with their colleagues and other people representing the company. Employees should behave in accordance with reputation and trust of their duties.
Honesty is our most important value. All employees should act in accordance with the truth in the relations with their managers and colleagues while performing their duties. They should avoid wrong and misleading behavior.
Employees of our company should demonstrate their commitment to the company with all policies and procedures of the group while performing their duties.
Members of our company members should always update their knowledge, fulfill the standards set for their professional expertise, should not compromise on the standards for life and property safety and should aim to perform their duties to the best of their ability.
Members of our group should avoid providing unfair benefits in favor of themselves or third parties (fraud) by using their titles and powers.
Conflict of interest, affecting or giving the impression that our company employees perform their duties in accordance with the interests of the institution and objectively; means all kinds of benefits provided to themselves, their relatives, friends or the people or organizations they are in contact with. Our employees should pay all necessary attention to avoid any conflict of interest, avoid conflicts of interest, report the situation to their superiors as soon as they become aware of the conflict of interest, and distance themselves from interests that fall within the scope of conflict of interest.
Employees of our group companies should inform their managers if for themself or their relatives enter a commercial relationship with the company's services and products outside of company practices. Insider information trading and information misuse is against the law and there is punishment such as prison and fines. Bayraktar Group employees if they quit should take care to protect confidentiality and comply with the confidentiality obligation.
Employees should use all kinds of rights, which is by the company themselves given for the purpose of providing support or motivation, and authorities in accordance with their purpose. The company should avoid waste and extravagance by taking care that its resources are not used outside its purpose.
Our employees should keep their company's trade secrets and unpublished information (turnover and profitability figures, new investment decisions, company goals, new product development studies, etc.) confidential and should not be used for any other purpose. Information about the company should only be shared with the public and media by company spokespersons. Except for company spokespersons, our employees should not make any information to the public or to the media.
Members of our companies must carefully protect the commercial and corporate reputation, intellectual or material assets of the company.
Employees should take into consideration all kinds of economic sanctions and export controls in the context of international and inter-country relations, while performing their duties.
Companies should keep the financial data they have in accordance with the legally, report it and fulfill their tax responsibilities.
Existing trademark rights for the company should be protected, the presence of counterfeit parts in the supply chain should be avoided and if found, reported to the necessary institutions. If the manufactured products are scrapped, it should be ensured that the products cannot be reused.
If there is a violation of the code of ethics within the company, notifications can be sent anonymously to the etik@bayraktar.com email address. These reports are evaluated by the Internal Audit Department and Vice Chairman of the Holding's Board of Directors, and actions are taken when necessary. The reporting process does not require any approval, employees or third parties can report directly to the ethical violation line. An incident within this scope is reported in good faith and the employee is subjected to ill-treatment (disciplinary punishment, dismissal, threats, mobbing, etc.) cannot be exposed.
Ethics Violation Report Line;
Ege Fren employees, business partners, suppliers, dealers and customers can report issues that they think do not comply with the Group's Ethical Values and Rules regarding the group employees and practices, to the Internal Audit and Process Management Department via the Ethical Violation Notification Line.
The employee can make a notification to the relevant e-mail address (etik@bayraktar.com) to report the issue.
Additionally, you can make a confidential and anonymous report using the reporting form provided.
Identify recruitment needs
Candidate Research
Assessment Center Application
Competency Based Interview
Evaluate Applications
Referance Check
Job Offer
Hiring and Employment
You can reach our open positions at www.kariyer.net
You can send your CVs to our e-mail address via ik.egefren@egefren.com.tr
As Ege Fren, we support the internship process, which is an important step in the preparation of high school and higher education students for business life. We conduct a transparent, fair and traceable recruitment process for all candidates during the internship process.
Short-term (summer) internship applications are received in March, and long-term internship applications are received between May and June (until the end of the previous education period). Evaluations are made following the month of application.
Identify Internship Needs
Receiving and Evaluating applications
Publishing the Internship Program
Hiring and Employement
Realization of the Internship Program
Evaluation of the Internship Program
Ege Fren offers career opportunities to well-educated young people who have just started their business life, as well as professionals with careers who are specialized in their fields.
As Ege Fren, we diligently continue our efforts to create empathy and synergy between teams, as well as the personal and professional development of individuals.
Ege Fren provides its employees with knowledge, skills and development opportunities. Our aim is to contribute to the competence development of all our employees and thus to carry our employees' business to the future.
Our process of supporting the personal and potential development and creativity of our employees at all levels starts with the orientation program in the recruitment process.
We prepare career and development plans in line with the corporate and individual development needs of our employees, and we review these plans every year and control the practices.
Our process of supporting the personal and potential development and creativity of our employees at all levels starts with the orientation program in the recruitment process.
Development Plans
We prepare development plans in line with the corporate and individual development needs of our employees, and we review these plans every year and check the applications.
Succession Planning
For our employees in critical positions, we make long-term development plans for the position they will be backed up for the future.
Within the scope of the training and development process, our employees are provided with support for master's and doctoral programs at certain rates.

Our Apprenticeship School, which was established with the permission of the Ministry of National Education, has been contributing to the development of young people by providing on-site training to many students since 2014.
With this social responsibility project, we aim to bring our young people, who have taken a break from their education life or had to end it for different reasons, to working life.
Career planning and back-up processes are carried out in order to be prepared for the negative effects of the gaps in key positions in our company. For this purpose, "Career and Succession Plans" are created in order to ensure the sustainability of the company. Development plans are followed to prepare all employees for future positions.
Our aim in wage management is to ensure that the internal and inter-company structures are placed in an easily understandable and manageable order by using an international standard job evaluation system in Bayraktar Group companies.
At this point, the Global Job Evaluation System we are using enables the mapping of wages and fringe benefits according to the competency and responsibility levels of the positions in a flexible and market-compatible structure.
In order to spread a high performance culture, an annual performance bonus is applied for white-collar employees according to the rate of achieving the targets.
Job Evaluation
Determine the employees' grading and levels
Job Matching in the market
Defining the wage (salary) per position
In each wage claim period, compensation and benefits are reviewed according to market research.
By measuring the satisfaction and commitment levels of the employees in company, action plans for improvement are created.
Employees do their job with enthusiasm
The tendency of employees to feel commitment to company and continue working
The level of satisfaction of employees with the opportunities provided to them
Ege Fren has the status of "R&D Center" within the framework of the law ” 5746, on Supporting Research and Development Activities". R&D activities are capable of responding to the rapidly changing needs of its customers in the competitive global market and technological advances in catching the innovative world of the future.
We carry out social responsibility projects with our employees, stakeholders and Non-Governmental Organizations. Awards and campaigns are included in the events we carry out periodically.